Stem Cell Transplant: Day: +58


12:30: ZzZzZzZzZz…

5:30: Up for vitals and another Lovenox shot!

6:00 Back to sleep.

10:00: I am up.  I get on my computer and start working on a few things.  I get an email from a client that they are having issues receiving emails from certain people.  After some research and emailing the two people that supposedly could not send emails, they were having no problems sending emails to her, instead she was getting failure messages when trying to send emails to her.  Turns out that the server she was using couldn’t resolve the DNS name redirect that was going on.  I pointed the external DNS servers to Google and told Exchange to use those DNS servers.  Once this was put in place, there were no issues in sending out emails and the recipients replied immediately that they were getting the emails being sent to them…  Issue resolved.

12:00: Onto the next few issues, following up with a few emails from clients.

1:00: Done those small issues.  Just updating my blog here and there.

3:00: A computer delivered to my door for me to fix…

4:30: My dad is home, time to start getting ready to throw some BBQ Shrimp in the oven…

5:30:  My dad throws the shrimp into the oven.

6:00: Shrimp is ready!

6:05: Another Lovenox shot, blah!

6:15: I sit down at the table.  Shrimp is juicy and delicious, just got to peel them all before I eat them, per the doctor’s orders..

7:00: I am done eating, watching Master Chef…

9:00: Bath/Shower time…

10:45: Out the shower.

11:00: Vital time…

11:10: Just laying in bed watching TV…

11:59: ZzZzZzZzZz: Another day over…..

© Craig