Archive for April, 2015:

04/10/2015: Chemo 3:2 – Cycle 1

Craig: 7:45: Up…Wake up Wife… 8:04: Wife driving….Off to the Hospital for infusion. 8:30: At the hospital. 8:50: Led back to infusion. 9:20: Port Accessed. 9:25: Blood Taken for testing. 10:35: I am just waiting for them to figure out what to do as my liver enzymes are high. 10:50: They need to redo all

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04/09/2015: Dr. Safah Visit

04/09/2015: 12:00: Off to see the Doctor, the wonderful Doctor of Tulane. 12:50: Arrive at Tulane and check in. 1:15: I am called into the back. 1:30: Dr. Safah sees me.  The results from my right supraclavicular lymph node biopsy are in.  The cancer is back.  The same exact cancers, same markers, same everything as before,

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04/01/2015: Day 2 after Biopsy #3

I rest all day, but Patient Room 4 at one of the doc’s office is not booting up, so I will need to head there later today. 8:00: My dad and I head out.  We go to my office first to pick up a computer as a backup replacement to have in case we need

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© Craig