Archive for October, 2013:

Stem Cell Transplant: Day: +120 – Radiation Treatment – Day:2

10/08/2013: 9:00: I am up… 9:05: I bring Buster outside, and take a walk around the back yard. 9:15: I head back in. 9:30: I jump on the computer and take care of a few minor things. 10:15: My wife heads off to school… 10:45: I jump in the shower. 10:55: I jump out the

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Stem Cell Transplant: Day: +119 – Radiation Treatment – Day:1

10/07/2013: So today starts radiation treatment, oh joy… 10:00: I am up. 10:05: Normal routine, let Buster outside. 10:30: I jump into the shower. 10:40: I am out of the shower. 10:50: I am dressed and ready to go.  Both of my parents are off today, so they are driving me to my treatment today…

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© Craig