Stem Cell Transplant: Day: +64


5:30: I am awaken like usual for my vitals and lovenox shot.

5:45: ZzZzZz

9:30: I am awaken by a phone call, sure enough it is the client whose computer that I was working on last night that didn’t reboot.  The computer is connected to an XRay machine, and it will not boot and the Startup Repair is claiming that the disk has errors that is preventing it from starting.  I troubleshoot with them, but the computer will not come boot.

10:15: I come up with the plan to use an older less used computer as their backup XRay machine.  I remote into that computer and install the XRay software, map it to the server, and its ready to use.  I call the clinic back and have them swap the computers.  I then finish up the installation with the image capturing device driver installation.  We do not get the device ready to shoot xrays.  I ask them to swap the cords and plug it into a different USB port on the computer, they do this, and then the computer says its ready to shoot XRays.  They shoot a test XRay and everything is good to go for now.  The computer is slower, but they still are able to take XRays today, and possibly tomorrow to Dell can ship me out a Hard Drive since its under warranty.

11:00: I talk to Dell, they want me to run diagnostics on the computer.  However, I am not driving yet, and stuck at home alone today.  I call the clinic and ask them to have someone call me when one of their staff has some free time to troubleshoot the Dell computer.

12:30: I get a call back from the clinic, we start running test, and right away it shows that the hard drive is failing and that it should be replaced immediately.  I have them give me all the error codes, beeps, and words on the screen for me to relay to Dell.  I then email the technician that I talked to earlier, but then jump on another chat to make sure that the part is shipped out as soon as possible.  I give them all the info and they process the warranty return.

2:00: All that’s sorted out.  Now just doing some research on a few things.

5:30: Lovenox time, oh joy, another shot!

6:00: Supper time!

6:30: In the Lazyboy, just taking it easy and watching some TV.

9:00: Bath/Shower time…

10:00: In bed with the laptop and watching TV.  Vitals, Pills…

11:59: ZzZzZzZzZzZz.. I am out!  Another day, yep, gone!

© Craig