12:00: Pain! I do not have any pain in my back it is strictly my abdomen. I just took an oxycodone.
1:00: The oxycodone is not helping at all. It is a gaseous feeling, but nothing is helping.
3:00: Still in terrible pain.
5:00: My abdomen is still hurting me. I take some lactose.
6:00: The lactose helped enough to make the pain not be stabbing. The pain subsides enough for me to finally be able to fall asleep.
12:00: I wake up with no pain.
13:00: Emily, the research nurse, calls me and checks on me since we tried contacting them. She asked me to explain the pain, and I did. She said that the pain is most probably being caused by the tumor flare, the tumor’s reaction to the first drug infusion. She says the abdomen pain correlates with a tumor in the upper abdominal area that is probably flaring and causing pressure and pain. She wants me to call her back tomorrow and check in.
14:00: I make it into my office.
19:00: I head home from the office. No pain since this morning.
19:15: Home sweet home.
20:00: I doze off… Goodnight!