10/21/2015: 7th Round Infusion at MD Anderson

00:00: On the road on the megabus seats 4&5 front balcony row tickets up top, great nighttime view. On the spillway heading for Baton Rouge.

01:08: Stopped at the Megabus stop in Baton Rouge.

01:17: Pulled out of Megabus bus stop in Baton Rouge.

02:38: Pull up to the Petro Gas Station for a break.

03:14: Pulling out of the gas station.

06:20: We arrive at the Megabus station at the corner of Pierce St & Travis St in Houston.

06:27: We unboard from the bus.

06:31: I purchase my Metro ticket for the light rail.

06:33: We board the light rail.

06:48: We are at the TMC transit stop, we get off and walk to the Mays Clinic Building.

06:58: We are at the Mays Clinic reception desk.

07:00: I check in at the Diagnostic Center in the Mays Clinic building this time instead of walking the extra 20 min round trip to the Diagnostic Center on the other end of the Main building.

07:15: I am called to the back.

07:20: All done, blood drawn.

07:25: Going to put on my numbing cream.

07:30: Numbing cream on. Potty break.

07:50: Heading to main building, second floor, to the Cafe in the park for Smoothies.

08:00: I order myStrawberry Extreme Smoothie King Smoothie… My breakfast.

08:20: I check in on the 8th floor at the infusion therapy clinic.

08:40: I am taken to the back. A fire drill happens, but easily ignored and my port accessed.

08:47: All accessed. We head down to the lymphoma center on the 6th floor.

08:55: I check in on the iPad.

09:00: I get a text message to go to the front desk. Get a paper to fill out recent info.

09:05: I get a text message to go to the hallway C for vitals and get my vitals taken.

09:10: I get a text message to go to Door E to be taken to the back. The nurse is there and takes me to the back and goes over all recent things, medicines, symptoms, etc.

09:20: Dr. Rodriguez comes in. Blood test were great. She listens to my heart and me breathing. My heart rate has been getting better. No wheezing when breathing. Just need to run a thyroid level again next visit. Everything is good to go and the orders have already been put in for me.

09:30: Emily’s substitute comes in, collects the paperwork, gives me new symptoms paperwork. Then sends us on out way for getting treatment.

09:45: I check in at the research clinic, they give me a restaurant style pager. I sit down and watch tv and update the blog.

10:15: My pager goes off.

10:20: Vitals done.

10:25: In my room for my infusion.

11:25: My blood us drawn for the study.

11:35: My infusion starts.

12:45: All done.

13:00: We grab a bite fo eat at the rotary house restaurant.

14:00: All done, just killing time till the Super Shuttle gets here. I check the Rotary House Hotel and they are completely booked for November 17. I add my name to the waiting list.

14:30: Check flight seats for booking flights at Houston for spirit airlines to get the prices even cheaper than online. Making sure the seats I looked at before are still available.

14:40: Sitting in the hotel lobby waiting for the Shuttle.

15:10: The Super Shuttle picks us up along with another person at our location.   We make 3 other stops and pick up other people on the way to the airport.

16:30: We are at Terminal A.  I purchase tickets at the Spirit Airlines counter for upcoming flights from Houston to New Orleans.  A single one way ticket from Houston to New Orleans is $16.11 including taxes for Spirit Airlines.  Just $16.11 for a plane ticket! Geesh!  I bring a small carry on bag with my laptop and a few other things, all fitting into a 16x14x12 bag.

17:30: Boarding begins.

17:40: We are sitting on our seats on the plane.  18A & 18B.

17:51: We take off.

18:55: We touch down a wobbly touch down, but winds with up to 20mph gusts out of the east.

19:05: My wife and mom pick up my Dad and I.

19:30: We go to New Orleans Hamburger and Seafood.

21:00: We arrive home.

21:30: I am in bed and fall asleep real quick.

23:59: ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz

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