8:20: An email comes in an wakes me up, but its just a vendor and I doze back off to sleep.
9:05: I get an email from a client wanting a few email addresses setup.
9:15: I get up and email back my first vendor, and then setup the email accounts requested.
9:30: I let Buster out.
9:45: I jump in the shower.
10:00: I jump out the shower.
10:15: I answer another email that came in and take care of a few quick things on a server.
10:45: I am heading over to the office.
11:00: I am at the office, another wonderful day.
11:15: I get an email from a client having troubles getting emails from a client of theirs. I start investigating that.
12:00: I do not see any issues on the sever or any emails being rejected. I will ask their client to email me a few things so I can check some headers and other info.
1:00: That issue resolved itself, it was probably on the third party side because I couldn’t find any issues on this side.
3:00: I get a phone call from a client who is checking up on me. We talk for a bit about a number of topics.
3:30: Back to some work, mainly administrative, catching up on some billing and putting in info for work I have done.
6:00: I am done work for today, time for me to head back to the house.
6:20: I get home.
7:00: I grab a bite to eat.
7:30: I watch some TV.
10:00: I am off to my room to lay in my bed and get on the laptop and do some work. Mostly administrative. I got the TV on for some background noise.
11:50: I am done finishing up the billing, time put up for the night.
11:59: ZzZzZ. Another day gone…