6:37: I get an email from a client asking me if I am going to be in my office at all today.
9:00: I am up.
9:15: I jump in the shower.
9:30: I jump out the shower.
9:45: I am at the office.
10:30: I get an email from a client saying that they have not ordered the computers we talked about because they are waiting for additional funds to come in before ordering them.
11:00: I start inputting time and work for billing.
12:15: I get an email back from a client telling me that I can drop their computer back off at their office Wednesday when I will be there for another Dr. Appointment.
12:45: I start going back to more administrative work, entering billing information, and taking breaks every once in a while to clean up parts of the office.
7:00: Enough time being at the office, time for me to go home.
7:15: I am home.
7:30: I grab a bite to eat.
8:00: I lay in bed and finish up some more billing on my laptop while laying in bed and watching TV.
11:15: I finish up the billing.
11:59: Another day done! More administrative work done than anything else today, but a good day!