Bedroom Prep Saturday


I woke up at 8:15 and had a text message from a client and friend checking up on me and see how I was feeling.  I updated her on the events of yesterday and the events of the upcoming week.  About 8:45 I then got up and got on the computer to do a few things before my wife left for work so that I could start working on rearranging the bedroom so that I would have easier access getting in and out the bed once I really started feeling bad.  In the mean time may as well get some work done.  I created a new temp website for my client, announcing that he had moved to a new office and the address and contact information for the new office.  A client called me at 10:30 having issues with his laptop not booting.  After some limited remote troubleshooting, I decided it best for the client to bring the laptop into the office.  I met the client at the office and attempted to boot the computer with it starting to log in and then just rebooting itself in a repetitive loop.  I started a chkdsk scan to see if that would fix the issue.  While that was scanning, I decided to fix a folding bluetooth keyboard that I keep in my pocket to use with my phone.  One of the sides that act as a hinge had broke.  I first removed the broken hinge’s plastic dowel and then drilled out the other side so that i could take a miscellaneous small laptop screw and insert it as its new hinge, now the keyboard works great again, and I can use this to update my blog during my chemo treatments since i cannot use my laptop since there is no wifi access at the office.  This woks just as  well, and cheaper than using a wifi card.

I talked to my gaming friend in England and told him about the news.  I then went onto my clan’s website and forum and posted the bad news.  I also included a link to this blog in my post for them to follow my progress as well.  I will be following up with them from time to time, but everything will be posted here on my blog.

The chkdsk found a whole list of issues, but that did not resolve the issue.  I put in the windows CD and did a startup repair, which it could not find any problems but then suggested a Windows Restore from the startup disk, so I did a System Restore, and then the computer booted with no issues.  When rebooting it looks like an update was not allowed to completely install or failed to install, putting the computer into a state in which it would have never started.  I then installed all outstanding updates and about to do a clean scan to make sure that there are no infections on the computer.  So in the process of doing updates the computer starts its rebooting problem again.  So there is a problem with one of the updates.  Ahhh.  I will just have to disable updates for now after doing another system restore.  I just had another client call me up saying they were having the same issue with windows vista after doing updates this morning, I told them I would try to look at that computer on Monday.  Figuring out which update exactly is causing the rebooting issue could take all night, time I don’t have at this time.  The client came to pick up the computer just as I was done doing the restore and it must have picked up an update as soon as the restore process was done because on reboot in front of the client it went into the endless loop again.  I then did a restore while the client waited without any network connection.  Once the computer came up from the restore, I did a second restore to make sure that it was 2 steps before the update causing the issue.  I did two reboots after the final restore booted up with no problems, and was able to get on the computer with no issues.  I made sure that windows updates was disabled to prevent this issue from happening again, and will follow up more with exactly what update is causing this issue later with Microsoft.

I am done here for today.  A long day for a day I didn’t plan on coming into the office.

So much for trying to work on that bedroom today….  I guess I’ll be rearranging the room tonight…

I got home and they were trying to decide where to go out to eat.  We had some time to research the different places online because my wife was still at work and wouldn’t get off for another half hour.  We  finally decided that we were going to go to Sting Ray’s, a nice  seafood restaurant that I don’t ever  remember being to.  While we were waiting i noticed that the Thunder Blanket had arrived for Buster.  He hates thunderstorms, you can tell one is coming because he starts shaking and acting weird before and during any storm.  I had to figure out how to put it on him, which took about 10 minutes, and then once I figured it out, it was actually very simple.  My wife arrived and we were then on our way to eat.

I ordered the Super Seafood Pasta which had crab, oyster, shrimp, and crawfish all mixed in with fettuccine.  MMMM, Food Very Good!  My wife had the Shrimp Feast which consisted of Stuffed Shrimp, Boiled Shrimp, Grilled Shrimp, Fried Shrimp, and Shrimp Etouffe, along with 2 sides.  Sounds like a Forest Gump type of plate!  We all enjoyed our meals, and we will definitely be returning.  Great food for a reasonable price.

By the time we got home it was 8:30.  The bedroom still has not been worked on!!!  First we moved boxes and furniture so that we could more easily access the wall to put the shelf up.  My dad helped me in hanging three supports 32 inches apart for the shelf and make it all level.  Not too tough. Measured 33 inches down from the ceiling screwed the bottom of the shelf bracket in, then followed up with the two screws towards the top of the bracket, making sure each one was level in the process.  We had to disconnect the portable AC in the process to get one of the brackets on the wall right behind it and the exhaust hose.  My wife left to go off at this point, so now it was just my dad and I.  We then put the shelf up on top and screwed down the shelf from underneath the brackets.  I then shifted the 2 pieces of furniture towards the closet, one on which the portable AC for the room sits, and hooked the AC back up and turned it on.  We need the extra room on that wall for the head of the bead.  The next fun part was turning the King sized bed.  I replaced the floor protectors that were on the bottom feet of the bed with the plastic easy slide coasters.  We had enough room to turn it, just had to take things slow because it was a tight fit, and I am not planning on painting any walls anytime soon.  We then got the bed in the proper position and got out the vacuum to clean under the bed.  I was starting to feel a little tired, but my dad wanted to make sure everything was clean before quitting for the night.  I turned on the extra lights and you could see the dust from under the bed and partially on the walls from the remodeling we had done not too long ago.  He first vacuumed the floor, and then took the hose and brush attachment and got all the dust off the walls in the front corner of the room.  We then pushed the bed as far as we could and got the dust and dirt off the floor on the other side.  We then decided that was enough for tonight and called it quits.  When my wife comes home from work tomorrow we will let her move her stuff around, so as not to get yelled at…  The joys of being married.  When it comes time to do something, it is easier to let your wife move her things for two reasons, you don’t want to break anything that is hers, and if you move something, you better be able to identify where exactly you put it just by her giving you a description.  I am not playing charades here, I will just wait to she comes home and let her move her things and make everything flow a lot smoother.

Off to another nice warm bath, looks like I will shave my head and face tonight.  I have been trying to avoid getting the then stitches, and now sterri strips wet as I want that wound to stay closed as the doctor said its only about 6% healed and if I hit it just right, I could pop the whole incision back open, NO THANKS!

© Craig