10:00: I am up 🙂 Yep, gotta let Buster out!
10:20: In the shower I go.
10:35: Out the shower I come.
11:00: I get in my van and head to my office.
11:15: At my office.
11:19: I get an email from Brian seeing if I want a ride to Jamie’s party Saturday night. I reply to Brian that I may be staying late and therefore he may want to drive himself there and let me drive myself there, that way he can leave before me, because I will stick it out as long as I can…
2:00: I get an email from the client who I installed the two new computers for. They are wondering if I can copy a program from the laptop to the computer. I tell them that they must first install the program on the new computer, and then I would be able to copy the program over if needbe, I can’t just copy the files over as that will not install the program.
2:15: I piece together a PC with a Motherboard that has been sitting around the office that has some potential. I order a processor off of eBay and some RAM for the computer too. I just need to wait for the parts to come in to finish that build.
3:00: I start working on a computer I brought to the shop last week. It keeps giving me blue screens of death’s constantly. I even remove the hard drive from the computer, put it in another computer and scan it. I find a number of issues on it, but when I put the hard drive back in the computer I still get the blue screens. Even disabling and repair things nothing fixes the blue screens of death I am getting.
4:00: I get an email from the client who’s computer I am working on with the blue screens of deaths. I reply to the client that I am working on it.
6:24: I get an email asking if any employee photos came in today, and I reply back that we didn’t get any photos at all.
7:02: My business partner calls me and we talk while he is driving back into town.
8:30: I finally get off the phone and get ready to head on home.
8:47: I am in my van.
9:05: I get home.
9:15: I make me some turkey and ham sandwiches. I haven’t had poboys in such a long time.
10:00: I lay in bed and yep you guessed it, back on my laptop.
11:59: Another day gone…