Chemo Day #10 + 6


11:00: I wake up.  I eat a biscuit or two.

11:30: I get on my computer and check a few thing, remote into a few computer, and take care of a few things here and there.

2:30: I head on over to my office.

2:45: I get to my office.

3:00: I start moving the rest of the cubicles that have been taken apart from across the hall to my office.

4:30: I am done moving the cubicles that are already taken apart.

5:00: I work on a few things at the office.  Going through some old computers and cleaning up the office a little.

6:30: I head on out the office, and head on home.

6:45: I get home.

7:00: I am a little exhausted from moving the cubicles, I go lay down in bed.

7:20: I am asleep….

10:00: I wake up.  I get on my laptop and check my emails and do some work.

11:45: I put the laptop up, and try to doze off.

© Craig