1:00: I am done here at the office, time for me to head on home…
1:15: I get home.
1:20: My wife gets home, I sit with her by the table while she eats her chicken wrap.
1:30: I am laying in bed. I connect into the phone system, and start some more configurations. I upload all the files needed for administering the Call Manager. I then update the CUE for voicemails. I then start to do the firmware upgrades, but there is an issue, I will have to go onsite to do this.
7:00: Time for me to go to bed!
1:00: I wake up, that was a good sleep.
1:15: I go outside to let Buster Out. and my dad is cooking steaks!
2:00: Aunt Estella and Uncle Vic come over for lunch. They bring some homemade bread pudding, and that is good stuff! We talk for a little bit, then they leave.
4:00: I need to go back over to work on the phone system.
4:05: I shave my head and face.
4:25: I jump in the shower.
4:35: I jump out the shower and put together everything I need to go to work.
4:40: I head out.
5:00: I arrive on sit and go to work. I try to update and can’t get the phone to update. I try again and again. I can’t get it. Its the Chemo Brain. If this was before the Chemo I would have no issues. The Chemo does affect your memory and ability to recall things. I try everything. Connecting a computer as a tftp server. I see the phones pulling the loads, but not doing anything with them, blah..I get to the point where I can’t get it. I have remoted into my laptop at house and the server just a few feet away because I am sitting by the front desk.
11:59: Another day is over, but the work is still going on, check tomorrow’s entry for the continuation.