Chemo Day #6 + 10


8:05: I get a email from the client saying that I am helping with the IT for the new restaurant that they are opening that they needed the computers like yesterday, the ones that I was configuring for them online on the Dell website for them to order.  He stated that the original timeline was changed because they are moving faster than anticipated.  I email the client back telling them that I have bloodwork and a doctor’s appointment to do today, and that I will send him all the information that I have prepared for him as soon as I get back to the office after that.

9:00: I get up out of bed, I let Buster out, I eat a Pop Tart because lately my stomach has started hurting me for no reason.  The pain is like a cramp and shooting pain.  The pains started Monday, but they don’t last all day, just little 20 minutes here and there.  I have been trying to eat something for breakfast to see if that relieves the symptom, and I think it does, but I need to monitor that more closely.

9:20: I shave my face and my head.

9:27: My client calls me the one who emailed me earlier.  I asked them if they got my email, and he said that he hadn’t checked it since he emailed me.  I explain him everything in the email, and let him know I will probably get everything installed by next Thursday, Friday, or the weekend at the latest.  I have chemo on Monday, and will be out of commission for the most part for Monday through Wednesday.  I tell him that I will email him all the information when I get back form the medical stuff I have to do, and he says that will work, and if he is available he will come right over to review the estimates with me.

9:40: I jump in the shower.

9:50: I jump out of the shower.

10:00: I get ready to leave, and take a call from a tech trying to find someone to do some phone work for him as he has been busy all week and cannot get to a client before the end of the week, and looking to sub the work out.  We talk for a little bit, and if it wasn’t last minute, I would be able to do it, but with the doctor’s appointment, the bloodwork, and the other outstanding work that I have to do, I will most probably have to pass, but will call him back on it later.

10:30: I leave the house and head over to the hospital.

10:40: I get to the hospital, I am driving behind this person who stops at every person walking through the parking garage to see if they are about to leave so that they can take their spot.  There is no way to get around this person, I waste at least 10 minutes in the garage behind this person, only to pull around this person and take a parking spot right next to where they park.

10:55: I get out the car and walk to my doctor’s office.

11:00: I get to Dr. Jacob’s Office, and am seated by myself in the hallway so that I am not around anyone who may be sick.

11:15: I am seated in Patient room 4, and my blood pressure is taken.

11:25: Dr. Jacob walks in, and we talk, I brought him a copy of my Pet Scan, and he is very pleased with the results of this pet scan compared to the results of the first pet scan.  He also likes my up beat outlook and attitude.  He examines me and doesn’t feel or see anything out of the ordinary.

11:35: I walk to the receptionist to make my next appointment for 4 more weeks right after my next pet scan.

11:40: I make my next appointment for November 8th, at 3:30 which will be after my 2:00 appointment with the radiologist oncologist.  I pay my Co-Pay and head on out.

11:45: I get to my van, and head on over to Quest Diagnostics.

11:55: I get to Quest Diagnostics by Tulane Lakeside Hospital.

11:58: I sign in.

12:00: I sit in the waiting room, and wait….

12:15: and wait…

12:30: and wait….  I went ahead and signed up up my phone for the app for Quest Diagnostics so that I could get my test results sent to my phone and email as they came in.

12:40: I am finally called to the back.

12:45: The nurse sticks my arm with no problems.  She fills the two vials of blood, tapes my arm, and I am out the door.

12:53: I am back in my van.

1:10: I swing my McDonalds and pick up two McDoubles.

1:20: I am back at the office, and enjoying my McDoubles along with some instant mix Lipton Iced Tea.

1:30: I finish up eating, and put together the finishing touches on the phone system, researching a cheaper phone system that is not a VOIP but a simpler phone system that I have seen at client’s offices.

3:00: I send the estimates along with the dell cart to the client for them to review and order the computers and let me know to order the other items in the estimate if they are approved.

3:10: I get a call from the client’s across the hall, their internet is up and down, their server is down, and their phones have been up and down.

3:30: I go across the hall and start working on the issue.  I first looked at the server and the switch and the router.  I found that the server was completely shut down.  I removed the power from the server and plugged it back in and did a full boot on the server.  I also rebooted the router and the network switch.  The phones came back up with no issues.  The computers would not connect back to the shared drives.  The server came back up, but some of the services didn’t start up properly.  I started the services that did not start and they were able to access the shared drives again and use the computers.

4:30: I am back across the hall, and pack up and head out to a my client’s office who has the big Dell box sitting in their office that they want installed.

4:41: I get an email that the estimates were approved and I should order everything and get everything in to install it.

4:50: I get in my van an head on over to the client’s office.

6:05: I get to the client’s office and head up the elevator.

6:10: I get in the office, catch up on things with the client, and then prepare the old computer to move to another location in the office to be use.

6:30: I move the old computer into the other room and hook it up.

6:40: I put the new computer in its spot under the desk and hook it all back up.

6:50: I get the new computer powered on, remove all the trash software, install my remote software and change the power settings so that I have remote access to it.

7:15: My client and I are heading out the door, I can take care of the rest of this configuration from home.

7:30: I eat some wheat pasta and meatballs that my second grade teacher prepared for me, along with some cheesy cauliflower.

8:15: I am laying in bed, stuffed, that was good.  I don’t even really start working on the computer anymore, I will take a nap before I start work.

8:30: I am sleeping.

11:59: I am still sleeping! ZzZzZzZzZzZz…….


© Craig