Chemo Day #7: ~~~~ 5 More to Go


2:50 Today is my next chemo day.  I was just catching up on my blog, but time for me to got o sleep, I’ll update ya’ll on the events of another round of chemo when I wake up 🙂  Night!

8:49: I am waken up by a phone call from a client. Their monitor is not working. I ask them to unplug the power from the monitor and plug it back in. They do that and the monitor comes back on. They then have an issue with windows. The computer is in startup repair mode saying that it did not boot properly. I tell her to click cancel. She does and then gets tired of waiting and wants to just power off the computer and turn it back on. I tell her this could make the computer be worse off, she should just let it finish on its own. She doesn’t want to wait, so I tell het she can just power it down by holding yhr power button for 10 seconds and turn it back on and hopefully it comes back up with no issues. Luckily it does come back up
without any problems and she is able to log back in.

9:10: I lay in bed trying to doze back off.

9:30: My phones google talk goes off and it is my business partner trying to setup his new emails on the new domain we purchased. He is having issues setting it up. I had issues the previous day and now decided I should turn on SSL on the server. I remote into the server, edit the configuration file, and then restart the smtp protocol. I then set it up on my phone with the new settings to test it out and it works. I test it out on a second app and it works too with just a minor alteration in the settings. I take some screen shots of the setup and text them to him.

10:00: I am up, there is no going back to sleep now. I let Buster outside and sit in the lazy boy while I continue to google talk with Jamie.

10:10: I let Buster back in while still sitting in the lazy boy start answering emails that come in, and send out emails checking on the status of the new computers that I installed last week.

10:45: I start getting everything together to get my shower along with what I need to prepare for my chemo treatment.

11:10: I shave my face and my head. I can’t wait to use my real razor again and just do it all at once in the shower withess cleanup, but this electric razor ain’t that bad.

11:20: I am done shaving, and pick up my phone to answer a few more emails.

11:40: I jump in the shower.

11:50: I jump out the shower.

12:00: I fix myself something to eat, a pumpkin spice doughnut and an apple filled doughnut.

12:15: I put on my lidocaine cream over the spot of my port and out some saran wrap on top of the cream and put my shirt on.

12:25: I take my ativan pill.

12:30: I brush my teeth, and my uncle Frank is knocking at the door. I go answer it and then go back and wash my mouth out with some ACT mouthwash without alcohol so I don’t dry my mouth out. I then out Buster in his cage and head out the door and lock up.

12:35: I jump in Uncle Frank’s truck.

12:45: We get to the Yenni Treatment Center. I go inside and checkin.

12:50: I am upstairs waiting in the waiting room.

1:07: I am called from the waiting room to the infusion room, and sit and wait in a waiting chair.

1:15: They take my vitals 123/84 blood pressure.

1:20: I am sitting in my chair.

1:40: They stick me, ouch, that hurt!  Oh the pain I could do without.  The mental side is starting to take over and having that nausea feeling and just feeling weak, blah.

2:00: They hook up my premeds and start pumping them into me.  Not fun…

2:45: My mom shows up, and talks to me for a little bit then hangs around.

3:00: The Adriamycin is starting to be pumped into me.  Blah…

3:20: They flush the line.

3:10: They hook up my Bleomucin and start pumping that into me.

3:30: My dad shows up, and my mom heads home.

3:40: They flush the line.

3:55: They push  the Vinblastine out of the syringe.

4:05: They flush the line.

4:15: They hook up my Dacarbazine and start pumping that into me.

4:50: The Dacarbazine is done, they are now just flushing me with saline.

5:20: They turn off the pump, and unhook me, and then take the adhesive bandage off that is holding the need in my port, and then pull it out.

5:25: I make my appointment for 2 weeks at 1PM for my next infusion.

5:30: My dad and I head on home.

5:45: We get home.

5:50: I eat a grilled chicken wrap from Wendy’s and a grilled chicken sandwich from Wendy’s.

6:30: I am laying in bed, and crash hard.

11:00: I wake up, get out of bed to go to the bathroom to get rid of all those fluids pumped into me.  I am very weak, my legs are heavy and I am just tired.  I let Buster out, and then we both go back to bed.

11:59: ZzZzZz. I am sleeping again.  I am out of it.

© Craig