Stem Cell Transplant: Day: +7


12:00: Oh boy more blood test….  They want to keep taking 3 vials of blood daily, and then they want to give you blood, well if they stopped taking my blood they wouldn’t have to give me any back!

12:10: Back to watching TV.

1:00: OK, I am going to turn in for the night.  I adjust my bed, my pillows, my wife makes sure I am covered up just right, again, not too much fun moving around with tubes hanging out your arm, one wrong move or yank and that hurts!

1:15: ZzZzZ

6:30: I am up…

7:15: Dr. Miller comes and checks on me for her report to the doctor who will be visiting later today.

7:30: Shift change, oh joy!

8:00: Vitals and Glucose check.  Do you see a routine here?

8:15: Breakfast is served.  Ensure it is.  Everything is still too touch.  I hit a the button for a shot of Morphine to help me drink, it hurts to swallow more than anything else…

9:30: The doc makes his rounds.  Everything seems normal, my numbers look good, he’ll see me tomorrow…

10:00: TV…

12:00: Vitals and glucose check…

12:15: Lunch, Yup, Ensure it is!

12:30: Done that ensure, back to TV….  I actually go ahead and pull my table with my laptops back to me, and start doing a few things here and there on my laptop again…

4:00: More vitals and another glucose check…

4:20: Dinner is served, ensure it is again for me…

5:00: Done my ensure.

5:30: My parents visit, and my wife goes and takes her break and finds some food.

7:30: Shift change.

8:00: More vitals, Stephanie is back tonight…

8:10: Just more TV and some fooling on the laptop.

8:30: My parents check out, going back home to do some more prep work…

9:00: Just laying in bed, blah blah blah, nothing too entertaining…

11:59: Another day gone… Oh Joy….


Next Day:

© Craig