12:00: Vitals again, 3 more tubes of blood 😛
12:10: Still watching TV.
2:00: Bed time I guess….
4:00: I am awaken, more vitals, some more medicine hung.
6:30: Oh joy, it’s that time of morning, no matter what, I am awake at this time. Just the combination of the bed, being in the hospital and being awaken every few hours for something.
7:00: Dr. Miller is in to check on me. Another beautiful morning. She takes a listen to my chest as always, looks at my feet for swelling, and says she will be back later with the doctor.
7:30: Shift Change.
8:00: Vitals and Glucose check.
8:15: Breakfast, blah, not appetizing at all. I’ll stick with my Ensure…
9:00: TV, and more laptop access. Starting to check on things with work again…
9:30: My wife is off to her physical therapy appointment, I got this, just a 2 laptops and a computer to keep me busy…
10:00: The doctor comes in and checks on me. Everything is looking good. One day at a time. He says he’ll see me tomorrow.
12:00: Vitals and Glucose check, oh joy!
12:30: Lunch, again Ensure it is. It hurts too much to swallow the real food, and it hurts to swallow the Ensure as well, just not as bad as real food…
1:00: Back to working on my computers. I setup my headset again so that I can start taking phone calls for Hands Free Help again…
4:00: Vitals and Glucose again…
4:30: Can you guess what time it is? Supper time, yup, lol… Ensure again it is, liquid meals…
5:00: Done with the food.
5:30: My wife arrives back from her therapy and checking on the office for me and doing a few things there.
6:30: My parents arrive to visit.
7:30: Shift change!
8:00: Vitals and Glucose, oh joy!
9:00: My parents head on out.
9:30: I am done with the computers for today, I push them aside and just get comfy in bed. I watch some TV and just relax…
11:59: Still relaxing, another day gone, oh joy!
Next Day: http://craig.handsfreehelp.com/stem-cell-transplant-day-9