New Appointment with Internist about this Breathing Issue

06/20/2012 I saw my internist who again thought I was having more Asthma, but also said Asthma season was over.  I reviewed all the symptoms that I brought up in my previous post.  I blew a 215 on the peak flow meter.  He was a little puzzled why I was still having breathing issues.  He

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Symptoms Continue

06/01/2012 – 06/20/2012 The night sweats had started back up on and off again without taking any additional steroids. I noticed I had the following symptoms: 1. I am Constantly Coughing throughout the day. – Inhaler Doesn’t Help This 2. Coughing Guaranteed Every Morning When I Get Up and When Eating 3. When I Get

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My Dr. Appointment with My Internist

05/09/2012 I visited my internist, Dr. Alan Yager.  I told him of my issues breathing when exerting myself when simply walking up a flight of stairs or climbing a ladder or exerting myself.  The doctor said that it was Asthma since it was Asthma season and said that he would treat me for Asthma.  I

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No Cold But Symptoms

03/2012 The drip and sore throat was gone, however the cough was still there.  I also noticed that I would have problems breathing as in shortness of breath and wheezing if I walked up stairs or climbed ladders or did anything strenuous. This kept up, but I thought I would get over it, but never

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Just Another Cold

02/2012 I just thought I was coming down with a cold since I had the usual flu like symptoms.  Constant Drip, Sore Throat, Cough.  However, no decongestant would work.  In addition to that, this cold did not go away in a less than a week like most my colds do.  This cold seemed to linger

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© Craig